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Laser teeth whitening Laser teeth whitening

Laser teeth whitening

Laser teeth whitening, also known as LED whitening is suitable for people who always have a busy schedule but wish to whiten their teeth. Laser teeth whitening can brighten the teeth by several shades with an hour to give you a more confident and beautiful smile. You may need to get periodic top-ups at home to maintain your white teeth.

Laser teeth whitening procedure

Whitening the teeth using laser whitening treatment involves a few steps. First, the dentist will examine your gums and teeth to know if you are suitable for the whitening treatment. If you are a right candidate for laser teeth whitening, your dentist will place a cheek retractor in your mouth and apply a teeth whitening gel on your teeth. Next, your orthodontist will use laser light to activate the whitening gel for it to remove surface and deep-seated stains on your teeth.

Benefits of laser teeth whitening

The following are some benefits of whitening your teeth using laser teeth whitening procedure.

  • It helps makes your teeth whiter and gives you a brighter smile
  • Laser teeth whitening removes stains and discolouration on the teeth
  • It gives you a better smile that ensures an excellent first impression
  • Whiter teeth from laser teeth whitening make you look more youthful and attractive, and this helps increase your self-confidence
  • You achieve a perfect smile for special events like graduation and weddings

Although laser teeth whitening helps you achieve a perfect smile, you need to consult your dentist first before you can undergo the treatment.

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What is the duration of a laser teeth whitening session?

To whiten your teeth with laser teeth whitening, you need a consultation with the dentist which lasts for about ten minutes then a 50-minute teeth whitening session. If your teeth are very dark, you may need another whitening session one week after the first whitening.

What causes teeth staining?

Your teeth could get stained due to the following reasons.

  • Ageing
  • Excess consumption of alcohol
  • Poor hygiene
  • Old dental fillings
  • Intake of tobacco
  • Taking certain medications

What is the outcome of laser teeth whitening?

The outcome of laser teeth whitening varies between persons, but, if you want to get the best possible result, you may need to get professional teeth cleaning by a dental hygienist. On average, laser teeth whitening improves the shade of the teeth by about three to four shades.

Most dentists recommend that you avoid foods and drinks that could stain your teeth for the first 24 hours after the teeth whitening if you want your teeth to remain white for a long time.

Is laser teeth whitening painful?

No, it is not. However, some people complain about teeth sensitivity. You can avoid teeth sensitivity after your laser teeth whitening by using desensitising toothpaste.

Is the effect of the teeth whitening permanent?

No, it is not. Laser teeth whitening and other types of teeth whitening treatments do not give a permanent result. Your teeth can remain white for about 2 – 3 years depending on how well you care for the teeth. If your oral hygiene is poor, or you take coffee, tea, and alcohol, your teeth may only remain white for a few months. Smoking also darkens the teeth quickly.

What are the alternatives available to whiten my teeth?

If you cannot undergo a teeth whitening procedure and you want your teeth to be white, you may opt for other alternatives like lumineers, veneers, and bonding. However, these other whitening options are more expensive than teeth whitening.

If you have decided to improve the appearance of your smile by making your teeth whiter, you can contact Adult Braces London on 020 31373179 to book an appointment for your laser teeth whitening.

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